S&M Howson Electricians in Sheffield required the procurement and project management and installation of a job tracking system. After acquiring the support contract for HMV the company experienced an increase to sub contracting jobs nationwide. The system in place was paper based and tasks were duplicated, time consuming and were beginning to "swamp" the staff.
Project Management
• Analysis of current systems and practices
• Research to find job tracking software fit for purpose
• Presentation of findings/proposals and project timescale to directors
• Beta testing and development of software (after contacting the author)
• Installation of software and creation of templates for SM Howson
• Training of all staff operating the system
• Production of in house operations manual
• Initial after sales support and upgrade support
• Further development of the system to electronically progress jobs into invoices to SM Howson specifications
Part of the proposal was to update the IT workstations. These were installed, configured and connected to the network before the job tracking software installation.
Whilst the project was in progress the directors were updated weekly by email or by telephone. When a significant milestone was reached and before the next phase began a site visit ascertained how the company were coping/benefiting with the project so far. This helped raise any concerns or further requirements before the project carried on.
On completion of the project the company benefited from:
• Standardised job creation
• Integrated system with all jobs searchable by region, company
• Jobs searchable - generated, in progress, completed
• Completed jobs automatically invoiced
• Full history of jobs by sub contractor, company
• Invoices integrated into Sage Accounts
S & M Howson UK Limited
Unit 1 Neepsend Industrial Estate
80 Parkwood Road
Sheffield S3 8AG
Tel: 0114 2726620 Fax: 0114 2727234 email: